Summer Applique' Outfits

Summertime is in full swing around here, and boy are we busy! Between VBS, swim lessons, piano lessons(which start next week), play dates, and visiting family, there isn't a whole lot of crafting going on here lately.
I have been able to sneak in some cute little applique outfits for S.R. though:o)
She loves all of the new outfits that I have made her...thankfully!
For all of these shirts, I googled the images, and found the ones I felt would be easiest to stitch. I copied the images, pasted in Word, printed them out, and used them as the templates. 
Super quick and easy.

 Crab with coordinating shorts.

Anchor with coordinating skirt
 Butterfly with coordinating shorts
 Watermelon (which will have coordinating skirt)...I found this idea on Pinterest. This one is my fave!
I have received permission from E to make him some shirts, so I will share those as soon as I get them made. 
I hope you all are having a great start to your summer break!


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