Back to School Shirts
The regular school routine has set in, and things seem to be moving along just fine. It has taken this mommy a little more adjusting than these two kiddos.
They were both pumped and ready to go. Me, not so much.
I miss them.
The first day back broke my heart and I might have sobbed like a front of my baby...who is now a kindergartner.
My kindergartner might have shed a few tears because her mother lost it in front of her, but waited for her to leave. Such a strong little girl.
My first grader was a brave and happy little soldier. He's an old pro at this sort of thing now; in his mind's eye.
It does my heart good to see how happy they are with their teachers and their classmates. My favorite part of the day is when they get in the car at the end of the school day, smiles beaming, ready to tell me every detail of their day...competing to see who can tell the most.
Yes, I know these days are very short lived, and there will come a time when they won't say two words to me.
I'm living in the moment and soaking it all in.
I love it.
We had a "morning of" photo shoot. This year wasn't nearly as fancy as last year's;o)
I will say that this impromptu photo shoot was a lot more fun and waaaay less stressful!!
I made the kids' shirts to wear on their first day of school. I forgot to get good close up shots, so bear with me.
I found the fabrics from Hobby Lobby.
The shirt S.R. is wearing was created by using a pattern I had on hand. Super simple to put together, and took no time at all. I actually made it the night before school started because I am a last minute kind of gal;o)
Here is a full view of the shirt along with a pair of shorts I found at a yard sale for $1...I really scored some awesome boutique deals that day.
This has to be one of my favorite shirts to date. I love the bright colors. Super fun!
I asked E's permission before making his shirt. It needed to be something that didn't seem baby-ish. There is a fine line to walk when you mix applique and almost-7-year-old boys.
He approved, thankfully:o)
I made a pair of shorts to match, but when I finished them, I realized he might have been made fun of if he wore them. And we can't have anybody making fun of my sweet boy!
I haven't taken the time to make anymore clothes for them right now because we're about to head into Fall.
Hopefully I can get a few things together soon.
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