Hey Y'all...

Soooo....I had my gallbladder taken out last Friday. How did your Labor Day weekend go? It couldn't have been as interesting as mine;o) I mean, how could it get any better than laying in bed with 5,000 pillows tucked under each and every bend of your body, and flipping back and forth between HGTV and the My Fair Wedding marathon?
I had all of these grand plans to host a college football kick-off party and to find somewhere fun to take the family, and just relax...didn't happen.
Pain pills and David Tutera...that's what happened. 
But I will happily report that this is the best I have felt in a month. I will take the soreness over the nausea any day! Good riddance you evil non-working gallbladder!

Enough about that.
 I guess you may or may not have noticed, but it's September, and there hasn't been one mention of a certain child's birthday coming up in 2.5 weeks. 
We're going stress free this time.
We're having the party at a local party space where they get to fix the food, AND clean up. All I have to do is show up and pay them...WOOT!
E wanted to have a camping themed party and actually camp out. In theory, it sounded totally awesome. In reality, it seemed like more work/stress than I could handle.
I talked him into having it at a local party spot that has putt-putt, kiddie carnival rides, bumper cars, and video games. 
It's a pirate themed spot, and he's never really been into pirates, but we're getting there.

I will be putting together some cute party favors, and I will share those with you once they have been assembled.
Since I'm not going through all of the steps of this party like I have in the past, I thought I would share a few pins I have on my 

The shirt is really fun. It makes me laugh. I think the hubs needs this.
The little pirate cookies are adorable. We may go this route instead of the cake. Less to carry and no one can spit on these when the candles are blown out;o)
I love the invites in the picture below. I'm still debating on whether to use paper invitations, or go the e-card route. 
I'm totally feeling guilt-free about not going all out on this party. The kids were able to get 6 good years out of me. I want to actually enjoy a party for once, and not be completely exhausted once everyone shows up.  I plan on doing so, starting with this this one.
Gone are the days where I feel like I have to compete with other mommy bloggers to have the most awesomest (not a word I know) parties.
We can still make a big deal over their birthdays without sending mommy to the loony bin. 
This party is going to be a blast!
 I can't wait!
If you haven't seen some of the parties from the past, you can go 
to check them out.


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