Phase One of Dining Room Makeover
I have had a vision for the dining room for quite some time, but never had the courage to just do it until a few weeks ago. The hubs had another business trip, so I thought it would be the perfect time to do a little board and batten:o) I had never done wood working to this scale, but thought How Hard Can This Be?.....all by myself. Remember last time the hubs went out of town? I surprised him with an office makeover . He may start taking my debit card away when he leaves for business trips from now on:o) I don't have a good Before picture...just the one from S.R.'s birthday party. Very bland walls....and no, this isn't my dining room table;o) Here is the After Much better:o) Here's the process that we I went thru to get to this stage. I painted about half way down the wall. I used Olympic paint b/c I was trying to save a little money....don't waste your time. Go ahead and spend the money on GOOD paint. It is almost like painting with water. That was mistake numbe...